Critical Systems was founded in 2008 by four friends with the belief that they could contribute to the betterment of buildings within the DC metro region. Since its founding, the company has delivered on their vision, providing professional services across the entirety of the District, Maryland, New England, and Virginia. To date, the team has supported over 1,000 local building projects, with the number ever-increasing. Our vision as we move into the future is straightforward: We will provide leading knowledge, experience, and mechanical products and services to discerning building owners, architects, engineers, and construction teams that entrust our support. We will do this with a team possessing over 800 years of engineering-based knowledge, and a portfolio of thought-leading mechanical products and solutions. We intend that together, we will make the world a better place by driving energy efficiencies to the highest levels, and greenhouse emissions to their lowest. We invite you to join us in this mission.
We did not set out to be a certain way. As our company rapidly expanded, we only set about finding the most talented people available who desired to join in our mission of delivering better buildings. As one walks through our spaces today, they are likely to hear a non-English language spoken, with 10 languages spoken among current employees. One readily notices a natural and easy makeup of men and women within our halls, and the banter of collegiate pride, with 19 graduated universities represented among us. We also call home many places, with associates from 11 countries on our team, with ethnicities proudly contributing to the whole. These, as individuals and collectively too, represent the industry’s thought leaders. This is our team.